All The World Green

He is balancing a diamond
On a blade of grass
The dew will settle on our grave
When all the world is green

– Tom Waits, All The World Is Green (Blood Money, 2002)

Die Albumversion ist schon schön, aber live vom 05. Juli 2008 in Atlanta mit dem kurzen Klarinetten(?)- und Gitarrensolo wirft mich das komplett um. Holzbläser sind toll. Müsste man eigentlich mal einen Slow Fox zu tanzen, wenn man das dem Lied angemessen könnte.

Wenn man derart inkliniert ist, kann man auch wunderbar hintendran Life In A Glasshouse hören. Hat auch eine herzzerreißende Klarinette. Die macht aus dem Klagelied eine Hymne. Lässt mich vor Freude fast weinen.

(Kann aber auch alles an der Flasche Wein in meinem Kopf liegen. Ich trinke viel zu selten Wein. Glaub ich aber nicht.)

Religion: The ultimate tyranny

Ich wollte ja gerne zitieren, aber es fällt schwer, den besten Abschnitt rauszufischen. Na gut, ein Versuch, hart an der Grenze des Zitatrechts:

There is no aspect of our lives, no matter how intimate, which religion does not unblushingly insist on its right to control. Whom we may love, whom we may desire, with whom we may physically express those feelings: in such restrictions on our freedom religion is at its most insistent and intrusive. But it does not stop even here, for religion does not limit its control to our deeds or even words: no, the invisible Thought Police of religion do not scruple to pursue us even into the innermost recesses of our minds and there to stand ready to condemn us for our very thoughts. Not even the most heinous ruler or most brutal slave-owner ever achieved such extremes of tyranny; yet religion grants us no privacy, nowhere to hide, no freedom to entertain even a fleeting thought without its being immediately known to - and judged by - a cosmic dictator. Religion is the ultimate slavery: it is the slavery of the mind, slavery to the fear of divine judgment and damnation. The devilish irony consists in the fact that 'divine judgment' and 'damnation' are themselves the inventions of religion: religion creates and exquisitely perfects the fear, then cynically declares itself the sole and indispensable liberator from it.

Paula Kirby, Washington Post "On Faith"

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