Linus bites the kitten. The kitten misses Linus. Inventory: k - an uncursed dart (in quiver). The kitten is killed! Coins '$' There is nothing here to pick up. $ - $ 352 gold pieces {4} You hear the splashing of a naiad. Weapons ')' You displaced Linus. a - ) a corroded +0 two-handed sword (weapon in hands) {150} Where do you want to travel to? b - ) a +0 axe (alternate weapon; not wielded) {60} Never mind. k - ) 10 uncursed darts (in quiver) {10} Never mind. p - ) an uncursed dwarvish spear {35} E - ) an uncursed dagger {10} ----------- ------- Armor '[' ------ |.........| |..{..-######## f - [ a blessed +3 crystal plate mail (being worn) {450} |.<..-########-.........| ##-.....| # t - [ an uncursed +0 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn) |....| |.........| # |......# ### u - [ an uncursed +0 pair of high boots (being worn) {20} |....-# |.........-###### -------# # v - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves {10} |....|# --|-----.-- # #### B - [ an uncursed +0 helmet called brilliance (being worn) -|----# # ## # #f F - [ an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak (being worn) {10} ## # # # ## Comestibles '%' # # ### # # d - % an uncursed food ration {20} ### # # #### @## Scrolls '?' -|------ # ### #------ # e - ? a blessed scroll of magic mapping {5} |.....=| # # #|....| # A - ? an uncursed scroll of identify {5} |......| # ### #|....-# # G - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {5} |...._.| ### # #.....|# # Potions '!' |...)..| # #### |....|### ------# m - ! an uncursed purple-red potion {20} -------- ###-.------- ------ # |....|# Wands '/' #........-#########################[#-....|# C - / an uncursed wand called tele/invis/cancel {7} |...#...| |.....# Tools '(' --------- ----.- n - ( an uncursed key {3} # Gems '*' Solexx the Pillager Con:18 Str:25 Dlvl:5 T:2740 Chaotic i - * 2 uncursed white gems {2} [HP:44(44) ] Int: 7 Wis: 7 $:352 AC:-4 Xp:5/163 l - * an uncursed blue gem {1} [Pw:6(6) ] Dex:18 Cha: 6 o - * an uncursed orange gem {1}