imagination. In this year, with Man's thoughts turned toward
the many ills he has brought among himself, Man has forgotten
his most ancient adversary, the gargoyles.
Excerpt from the opening narration to the movie
Gargoyles, written by Stephen and Elinor Karpf
Name: gargoyle
Difficulty: 8
Base level: 6
Base experience: 75
Speed: 10
Base AC: -4
Base MR: 0
Alignment: -9
Frequency: Quite rare
Genocidable: Yes
Claw: 2d6
Claw: 2d6
Bite: 2d4
Weight: 1000
Nutritional value: 200
Size: medium
Resistances: petrification
Resistances conveyed by eating: None
Due to its unusual body chemistry, A gargoyle has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It has a thick hide.
A winged gargoyle can fly/float. Due to its unusual body chemistry, It has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It has a thick hide. A winged gargoyle is able to lay eggs.