But on its heels ere the sunset faded, there came a second apparition, striding with incredible strides and halting when it loomed almost upon me in the red twilight-the monstrous mummy of some ancient king still crowned with untarnished gold but turning to my gaze a visage that more than time or the worm had wasted. Broken swathings flapped about the skeleton legs, and above the crown that was set with sapphires and orange rubies, a black something swayed and nodded horribly; but, for an instant, I did not dream what it was. Then, in its middle, two oblique and scarlet eyes opened and glowed like hellish coals, and two ophidian fangs glittered in an ape-like mouth. A squat, furless, shapeless head on a neck of disproportionate extent leaned unspeakably down and whispered in the mummy's ear. Then, with one stride, the titanic lich took half the distance between us, and from out the folds of the tattered sere-cloth a gaunt arm arose, and fleshless, taloned fingers laden with glowering gems, reached out and fumbled for my throat . . .

The Abominations of Yondo, Clark Ashton Smith, 1926

Name: arch-lich
Difficulty: 29
Base level: 25
Base experience: 891
Speed: 9
Base AC: -6
Base MR: 90
Alignment: -15
Frequency: Very rare, only in Gehennom
Genocidable: Yes
    Freezes with cold for 5d6
    Random magic spell with nominal damage of (level/3+1)d6
Weight: 1200
Nutritional value: 100 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: medium
Resistances: fire, cold, sleep, electricity, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: fire, cold

Due to its unusual body chemistry, An arch-lich has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is poisonous if eaten.

Name: demilich
Difficulty: 18
Base level: 14
Base experience: 360
Speed: 9
Base AC: -2
Base MR: 60
Alignment: -12
Frequency: Very rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Freezes with cold for 3d4
    Random magic spell with nominal damage of (level/3+1)d6
Weight: 1200
Nutritional value: 100 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: medium
Resistances: cold, sleep, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: cold

Due to its unusual body chemistry, A demilich has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is poisonous if eaten.

Name: lich
Difficulty: 14
Base level: 11
Base experience: 263
Speed: 6
Base AC: 0
Base MR: 30
Alignment: -9
Frequency: Very rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Freezes with cold for 1d10
    Random magic spell with nominal damage of (level/3+1)d6
Weight: 1200
Nutritional value: 100 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: medium
Resistances: cold, sleep, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: cold

Due to its unusual body chemistry, A lich has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is poisonous if eaten.

Name: master lich
Difficulty: 21
Base level: 17
Base experience: 474
Speed: 9
Base AC: -4
Base MR: 90
Alignment: -15
Frequency: Very rare, only in Gehennom
Genocidable: Yes
    Freezes with cold for 3d6
    Random magic spell with nominal damage of (level/3+1)d6
Weight: 1200
Nutritional value: 100 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: medium
Resistances: fire, cold, sleep, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: fire, cold

Due to its unusual body chemistry, A master lich has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is poisonous if eaten.