But for an account of the manner in which the body was bandaged, and a list of the unguents and other materials employed in the process, and the words of power which were spoken as each bandage was laid in its place, we must have recourse to a very interesting papyrus which has been edited and translated by M. Maspero under the title of Le Rituel de l'Embaumement. ...

Everything that could be done to preserve the body was now done, and every member of it was, by means of the words of power which changed perishable substances into imperishable, protected to all eternity; when the final covering of purple or white linen had been fastened upon it, the body was ready for the tomb.
Egyptian Magic, by E.A. Wallis Budge

Name: ettin mummy
Difficulty: 8
Base level: 7
Base experience: 95
Speed: 12
Base AC: 4
Base MR: 30
Alignment: -6
Frequency: Very rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Claw: 2d6
    Claw: 2d6
Weight: 1700
Nutritional value: 250 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: huge
Resistances: cold, sleep, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

Due to its unusual body chemistry, An ettin mummy has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It has no mind, and is therefore not detectable via telepathy. It is poisonous if eaten.

Name: giant mummy
Difficulty: 10
Base level: 8
Base experience: 116
Speed: 14
Base AC: 3
Base MR: 30
Alignment: -7
Frequency: Very rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Claw: 3d4
    Claw: 3d4
Weight: 2050
Nutritional value: 375 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: huge
Resistances: cold, sleep, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

Due to its unusual body chemistry, A giant mummy has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It has no mind, and is therefore not detectable via telepathy. It is poisonous if eaten.

Name: human mummy
Difficulty: 7
Base level: 6
Base experience: 76
Speed: 12
Base AC: 4
Base MR: 30
Alignment: -5
Frequency: Very rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Claw: 2d4
    Claw: 2d4
Weight: 1450
Nutritional value: 200 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: medium
Resistances: cold, sleep, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

Due to its unusual body chemistry, A human mummy has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It has no mind, and is therefore not detectable via telepathy. It is poisonous if eaten.

Name: orc mummy
Difficulty: 6
Base level: 5
Base experience: 56
Speed: 10
Base AC: 5
Base MR: 20
Alignment: -4
Frequency: Very rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Claw: 1d6
Weight: 850
Nutritional value: 75 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: medium
Resistances: cold, sleep, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

Due to its unusual body chemistry, An orc mummy has no need to breathe. It is humanoid. It has no mind, and is therefore not detectable via telepathy. It is poisonous if eaten.