Name: Nalzok
Difficulty: 23
Base level: 16
Base experience: 572
Speed: 12
Base AC: -2
Base MR: 85
Alignment: -127
Frequency: unique, no random generation
Genocidable: No
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 8d4
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 4d6
    Random magic spell with nominal damage of (level/3+1)d6
    Steals the amulet etc.
Weight: 1450
Nutritional value: 400 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: large
Resistances: fire, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

Nalzok can fly/float. It can see invisible creatures. It is poisonous if eaten.

Nalzok is Moloch's cunning and unfailingly loyal battle lieutenant, to whom he trusts the command of warfare when he does not wish to exercise it himself. Nalzok is a major demon, known to command the undead. He is hungry for power, and secretly covets Moloch's position. Moloch doesn't trust him, but, trusting his own power enough, chooses to allow Nalzok his position because he is useful.