The troll shambled closer. He was perhaps eight feet tall, perhaps more. His forward stoop, with arms dangling past thick claw-footed legs to the ground, made it hard to tell. The hairless green skin moved upon his body. His head was a gash of a mouth, a yard-long nose, and two eyes which drank the feeble torchlight and never gave back a gleam. ...

Like a huge green spider, the troll's severed hand ran on its fingers. Across the mounded floor, up onto a log with one taloned forefinger to hook it over the bark, down again it scrambled, until it found the cut wrist. And there it grew fast. The troll's smashed head seethed and knit together. He clambered back on his feet and grinned at them. The waning faggot cast red light over his fangs.

Three Hearts and Three Lions, by Poul Anderson

Name: ice troll
Difficulty: 12
Base level: 9
Base experience: 201
Speed: 10
Base AC: 2
Base MR: 20
Alignment: -3
Frequency: Very rare, never in Gehennom
Genocidable: Yes
    Freezes with cold for 2d6
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 2d6
    Bite: 2d6
Weight: 1000
Nutritional value: 300
Size: large
Resistances: cold
Resistances conveyed by eating: cold

An ice troll is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is a carnivore.

Name: rock troll
Difficulty: 12
Base level: 9
Base experience: 195
Speed: 12
Base AC: 0
Base MR: 0
Alignment: -3
Frequency: Very rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Claw: 2d8
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 3d6
    Bite: 2d6
Weight: 1200
Nutritional value: 300
Size: large
Resistances: None
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

A rock troll is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is a carnivore.

Name: troll
Difficulty: 9
Base level: 7
Base experience: 100
Speed: 12
Base AC: 4
Base MR: 0
Alignment: -3
Frequency: Quite rare
Genocidable: Yes
    Claw: 4d2
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 4d2
    Bite: 2d6
Weight: 800
Nutritional value: 350
Size: large
Resistances: None
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

A troll is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is a carnivore.

Name: water troll
Difficulty: 13
Base level: 11
Base experience: 246
Speed: 14
Base AC: 4
Base MR: 40
Alignment: -3
Frequency: no random generation
Genocidable: Yes
    Claw: 2d8
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 2d8
    Bite: 2d6
Weight: 1200
Nutritional value: 350
Size: large
Resistances: None
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

A water troll can traverse water. It is humanoid. It can regenerate itself. It is a carnivore.