Name: pit fiend
Difficulty: 16
Base level: 13
Base experience: 404
Speed: 6
Base AC: -3
Base MR: 65
Alignment: -13
Frequency: Quite rare, only in Gehennom
Genocidable: No
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 4d2
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 4d2
    Bearhug: 2d4
Weight: 1450
Nutritional value: 400 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: large
Resistances: fire, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

A pit fiend can see invisible creatures. It is poisonous if eaten.

Pit fiends are among the more powerful of devils, capable of attacking twice with weapons as well as grabbing and crushing the life out of those unwary enough to enter their domains.