Name: vrock
Difficulty: 11
Base level: 8
Base experience: 173
Speed: 12
Base AC: 0
Base MR: 50
Alignment: -9
Frequency: Quite rare, only in Gehennom, normally appears in small groups
Genocidable: No
    Claw: 1d4
    Claw: 1d4
    Claw: 1d8
    Claw: 1d8
    Bite: 1d6
Weight: 1450
Nutritional value: 400 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: large
Resistances: fire, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

A vrock is poisonous if eaten.

The vrock is one of the weaker forms of demon. It resembles a cross between a human being and a vulture and does physical damage by biting and by using the claws on both its arms and feet.